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platja port des canonge

Beach Spotlight: Platja Port des Canonge

Nowadays, Mallorca may have no hidden destinations, but Platja Port des Canonge is a gem. Less than 10 kilometers from the fresh, chill town of Esporles is this natural port favorited by the mountain town locals. 

The incredibly steep, narrow road full of hairpin turns keeps the unwilling away, but when you reach the bottom, an adorable port town awaits with casual dining, a beautiful beach, and hippy vibes.

Platja Port des Canonge

Basic Information

Type of Beach:Natural port
Closest Town:Esporles
Body of Water:Port des Canonge
Best Hotel:Can Balambe


Natural Beauty
Family Friendly
Accessibility & Parking
Space & Crowd
Sea Life & Snorkeling
Restaurants & Amenities

Mallorqueta Superlatives

Best Local Vibes

How to Get to Platja Port des Canonge

Arriving at this port takes a bit of determination. You either need to be willing to drive one of the steepest roads in Mallorca or go for a lengthy, albeit beautiful, hike. 



Driving to Platja Port des Canonge can be enjoyable if you make a day of it and takes around 50 minutes. From Palma, you’ll want to catch the Ma-1110 out of the city toward the Universitat de Illes Balears. At S’Esgleieta, you’ll connect to the Ma-1120, which will take you to Esporles. I recommend stopping here for some of the best coffee on the island.

Once you pass through Esporles, you will run into the Ma-10 that heads towards Banyalbufar. Shortly after, you will see a sign pointing to Platja Port des Canonge, where you will take a sharp right. Here begins 15-20 minutes down one of the steepest roads in Mallorca.

Surprisingly, when you come to the end of the hairpin turns, you end up in a quaint town with locals milling around and a restaurant or two. There is parking right next to the port, or you can find plenty of parking around town. 


There is no bus stop near Platja Port des Canonge, but there is a bus to Banyalbufar and a great hiking trail to the port. See below.


The Camí de sa Volta des General is an excellent coastal hike from Banyalbufar to Platja Port des Canonge. If you arrive by bus, you will take bus 202 from Estació Intermodal in Palma for 50 minutes to Miramar 2. You will need to walk 15 minutes from the bus stop to the trailhead. The trail to Port des Canonge is 2.7 miles, so 5.4 miles roundtrip. It is a moderate, mostly flat trek, but be sure to carry lots of water in the hot summer months. 

Best Hotel: Can Balambe

Platja Port des Canonge is a half-hour drive from its closest towns of Esporles or Banyalbufar. Banyalbufar has many quality places to stay for great value. But if you want to stay in the quaint port town, I recommend Can Balambe. It’s relatively affordable compared to some of the large villas on offer and stylistically in keeping with the local fish port vibe.

Platja Port des Canonge Rankings

Natural Beauty: 6/10

The beach itself is not world-class. It is covered in seaweed and interrupted by boat slips running down to the water from the numerous boat houses surrounding the small port. But paddle out to sea on a SUP board or in a kayak, and the area is a stunning wonderland of steep mountain cliffs spiring out of the water between which secret, secluded coves await you in tranquility

Family Friendly: 6/10

Local families flock to this port from its neighboring towns. The little village of Port des Canonge bustles with Mallorcan families enjoying their summer vacations. However, the beach has no lifeguards nor sand in which to build castles. 


Accessibility & Parking: 5/10

Getting to the town Port des Canonge can be harrowing as the road winds steeply and turns sharply, but once you arrive, there is ample parking, and the walk down to the port is simple. 

Space & Crowd: 7/10

In the summer months, the small port can fill up. Still, you will not be hearing the seafarers speaking English or German like at every famous beach in Mallorca, but instead the local Catalan dialect of Mallorquin. There is usually enough space on a boat slip or in the soft, dried seaweed to plop a towel and umbrella.

Activities: 5/10

The “activities” are why I love visiting Platja Port des Canonge, so do not let the low rating deceive you. I place it low merely because no rental services are provided at the port. But if you have your own paddle board or kayak, exploring this northern coastline is unbeatable. You’ll find numerous secluded beaches tucked into coves surrounded by sheer cliffs only accessible by watercraft. 

Swimming: 5/10

The swimming immediately off the port is not the finest. For one, many fishing boats anchor in the bay and take up swimming space. Also, the entrance into the water can be steep where the waves have cut into the soft shore.

Below the waves, it is a bit rocky and seaweedy, muddying the water, unlike crystal clear water found elsewhere on the island. But take your kayak along the coastline to swim in solitary paradise in transparent water on clean beaches with zero crowds. 

Sea Life & Snorkeling: 5/10

Like the swimming and activities mentioned above, the port does not offer a ton of intrigue in the way of snorkeling, but if you are equipped to explore the coves of the mountainous coastline, you will find plenty of marine life swimming through bright, clear waters.

Restaurants & Amenities: 6/10

Again, do not let the low ranking deceive you. It is low simply because there are only two restaurants to choose from: Can Madó and Ca’n Toni Moreno. Either restaurant will provide an authentic experience of Mallorcan dining. The paella at Can Madó has been personally recommended by a local from Esporles. 


Nudity: 4/10

Toplessness is expected at any beach in Mallorca, and Platja Port des Canonge is no exception. However, this is not a nude beach, and seeing as the local, multi-generational Mallorcan families enjoy this beach covered below the waist, I suggest you do the same.

Safety: 3/10

No lifeguards are on duty, and the drive up and out of Port des Canonge takes at least half an hour. That said, there are loads of local fishermen and a town full of knowledgeable locals – especially in the summer – so if anything were to happen, help would be available

Hotel Deals Near Platja Port des Canonge
